Cold E-mailing Templates - Connect with clients and grow your business with these done-for-you cold e-mailing templates!
I see you! Hustling hard, scrolling through endless job boards, tweeting (or is it X'ing now?) until your fingers go numb, and stalking editors on LinkedIn like it's your full-time job. Well, it kinda is, isn’t it?
Cold e-mailing can be a real beast, but oh man, when you get that first "Yes, let's chat!" in your inbox? Pop the champagne!
Those pinch-me projects come from reaching out personally and starting genuine convos with your dream pubs.
If only… it didn’t feel like jumping out of a plane without a parachute!
Guess what? It doesn’t have to.
There IS a way to send e-mails that make clients sit up and take notice!
My cold e-mailing templates!
These are the exact templates that have landed me some pretty amazing clients!
Having these templates ready to go means you'll never again spend hours staring at a blank screen, wondering what to say.
Simply customize them to highlight your unique background and achievements. Don’t forget those samples, they'll want to see them! Then invite those dream clients to connect.
So, what are you waiting for? Grab these templates, add your personal touch, and start hitting "send" on those cold e-mails confidently this time!
Don't let the fear of rejection hold you back from going after your dreams. You've got the skills, the passion, and now, the tools to make it happen. It's time to put yourself out there and show the world what you're made of!
Your success story is just one e-mail away!
0 sales
These cold e-mailing templates are ideal for the freelancer who:
- Wants to increase their response rates and get booked!
- Is ready to take control of their business and seek out new exciting opportunities
- Is tired of waiting around for hit-or-miss job board listings
- Values their time and wants to avoid the mental drain of constantly coming up with new e-mail angles
- Wants to be strategic and targeted in their outreach efforts
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